Your #1 Daily Crossword Puzzle Answers and Solutions.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD - March 6 2019 Crossword Puzzle Answer

The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 2,188 - March 6 2019  
Baffle Queen, participating in duty for Olympic event?FLOOREXERCISE
Be above complete fabricationOVERLIE
Chorister swallowing first bit of milk shakeTREMBLE
Composer caught after punch-up in ItalyPUCCINI
Dine extravagantly, going to hot food counter in Scottish cityEDINBURGH
Dope brought up evidence regarding family sourcesGENETIC
Drink supplied after performer arrivesTURNSUP
Early Pope regularly heard by favouritePETER
Express criminal charge with documentationRAPID
Form of transport some way down the list of options?PLANE
Found out about judge? InconceivableUNHEARDOF
Fruit: a thing you have to try, returning to chase after itSATSUMA
Gloomy poet, say, enthralled by fifth-rate celebrities?ELEGIST
Long expression of surprise about source of legendary old scienceALCHEMY
Murphy gathering one source of liquid -- or another?TIDEWATER
Newly visible item? That's standard with planet (Sun's beginning to disappear)PARVENU
Passivity in time stifling rise in sexual activityINERTIA
Recalled enthusiasm about orbiter, following a rage for not getting involvedLAISSEZFAIRE
Recalled time mostly squandered? Just a bitDRIBBLE
Recent issue may present an appreciation of such songsNURSERYRHYMES
Sack is carried by daughter and another young girlDISMISS
Show host responsible for music at start and finish?EMCEE
Sort out Shakespearean character in hollowCLEARUP
Stumped, perhaps, following minimal level in dischargeOUTFLOW
Swan to have more value than rotten treeTRUMPETER
Treatment for bats without vision, though not initially about to use eyes?LINSEED
Vessels in unending search for harbour obstruction?BARQUES
Worth setting puzzles produced under assumed nameGHOSTWRITTEN

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