Your #1 Daily Crossword Puzzle Answers and Solutions.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Irish Times (Simplex) - April 20 2019 Crossword Puzzle Answer

Irish Times (Simplex) - April 20 2019  
... is the Night (F Scott Fitzgerald)TENDER
Agreed, acquiescedACCEDED
Allocates a taskASSIGNS
Animals raised for meatCATTLE
Becoming widerDILATING
Catastrophe, calamityDISASTER
City on the DanubeVIENNA
Coinage, metal moneySPECIE
Content word for person, place or thingNOUN
Cruel and oppressive dictatorsTYRANTS
Distinctive atmospheres around certain peopleAURAS
Distinctive odourSCENT
Double-edged swordRAPIER
Food prepared from grainCEREAL
Freedom from difficultyEASE
Increase twofoldDUPLICATE
Islamic lawSHARIA
It turns litmus redACID
Kill with premeditationSLAY
Large seabird found among lost ArabsALBATROSS
Large waterfalls and eye defectsCATARACTS
Literary compositionESSAY
Mark in a compound wordHYPHEN
Member of a boardDIRECTOR
Merged into oneUNITED
More lacking in strengthWEAKER
Not paid at the scheduled timeOVERDUE
Ornament at the top of a spire or columnFINIAL
Reduce in rankDEMOTE
Shaped lumps of breadLOAVES
Symbols to show the wayARROWS
Transporting, totingCARRYING
Travel documents required by some countriesVISAS
Turkish capitalANKARA
Verse line having six metrical feetHEXAMETER

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