Your #1 Daily Crossword Puzzle Answers and Solutions.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Times - Cryptic - July 12 2019 Crossword Puzzle Solutions

The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic No 27401
Clues Answers
A Yankee probing fellow of a bygone civilisation MAYAN
Adolescent as a born troublemaker originally, growing up TEENAGE
Advice to man with cat in performance, leading to a benefit turn again
Aim of mountaineers? Not all of them came back ACME
Bigwig with silver set up in the country GABON
Courage of everyone imprisoned in tower GALLANTRY
Crowd chat conjured up in slogan CATCHWORD
Daggers the Spanish brought into form of evil magic? OBELI
Dirty job involving spades DUSTY
Dispute involving four dukes? FISTFIGHT
Emily? Endlessly unsteady, having got thus in pub DICKINSON
Franchise needing guidance when two characters have swapped positions DEALERSHIP
Gossip is associated with us after hard drink RUMOURS
Illustration rendered by ace printing unit PICA
Irritable computer whizz? TECHY
Learner in school dressed to attract? GLAM
Line written by church composer is ghastly CHARNEL
Made the grade as a priest in ceremony? COPED
Maidens perhaps seen as headless sweethearts OVERS
Most stuffy little room in which son hides CLOSEST
Nothing in Italian city, little good for holiday activity? TOURING
Odd bits of grub given to prisoner in his camp? GULAG
Old statue, after renovation, survived OUTLASTED
One club maybe for a bachelor? SINGLETON
Ruddy huge birds FLAMINGOS
Ruth affected by pockmarks, we hear? PITY
Something freely given? That is taken by force PRESSIE
The French male wearing false hair and dress shows a bit of freedom wiggle room
Unconventional, like a newly escaped convict? off-the-wall
Very funny chair with style ill conceived HYSTERICAL
What comes at end of different flights LANDING
What has cups next to stinking bottle? BRAVERY
The Times - Cryptic - Times Quick Cryptic No 1394
Clues Answers
A number a lot may go for cheaply? SONG
Admen had styles personally crafted HANDMADE
Amusing conclusion to repeated spin DROLL
Ate in study I’d set up DINED
Auditor’s punished for discovery FIND
Books are turning up inspirational source ERATO
Detective having daughter carried out DID
Eagle sailors found in middle of Greece ERNE
Father’s host for old TV show dads army
Game where the suspense comes at the end HANGMAN
Good fellow on the beer becoming overfamiliar STALE
Hold back from relaxation, then shower RESTRAIN
Instrument in sack brought back TOOL
Judge encounters advocate, finally, when returning ESTEEM
Maids serving King drink within six seconds VIRGINS
Month that ends too soon for girl MARTHA
Older erratum corrected MATURER
On reflection, some felt it needed permit ENTITLE
Raising agent, heading off in this direction? EAST
Road-edge spoiled, with battered corners dog-eared
She has the latest snowman we built NEWSWOMAN
Some provided source of Latin poetry OVID
Someone who arrives holding mike, with officer in charge? COMMANDER
The girl’s seeing the earl regularly HER
Three of the fifteen best seats? front row
Yellow clay rod somehow bearing weight COWARDLY

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